Social Events/Guest Nights!
Adults learn through application, and what better way to apply what you’re learning in your myCONVOCONNECT cohort than to experience pure social events, without instruction, where you get to engage with others in a naturalistic way. To make this even easier for you, and more novel, we encourage you to bring a guest with you to our Social Event nights. They will thoroughly enjoy the attention they receive and the fun they have, and you will get to practice with someone who will respond naturally, in a social context, to your communication skill. And you’ll learn from what works and what seems to work less well.
By Session 12, You Will be Able to:
The myCONVOCONNECT Alumni Network
Although we are at the beginning of this adventure, we anticipate a snowballing of participation, with groups happening in local regions on at least a quarterly basis. Speaking to those in or near Saratoga Springs or Albany, New York, our goal is to make sure that when every person graduates from their myCONVOCONNECT program, there’s a network of friends ready to welcome them. Regular events and outings will be both sponsored by myCONVOCONNECT and announced over our communication channels if the person holding the event requests it. In terms of connection and engagement, our goal is to give you a nice welcoming pool of great people to jump into if you’d like. As other locations stand-up programs, we’ll be there to help get the word out about sponsored and hosted events in that area.